Awaken Your Inner Healer: Healing Within

Why You Need Help with Energy Healing?

Energy imbalances and emotional blockages can significantly affect your overall well-being. These issues can drain your energy, diminish your quality of life, and hinder your ability to live fully. By learning to heal these imbalances, you can restore your vitality, enhance your emotional health, and unlock your inner potential. The "Awaken Your Inner Healer" course provides you with the tools and techniques needed to achieve this transformation.

Why Do You Need Help with Self-Healing?

Self-healing is a powerful journey that can rejuvenate your mind, body, and spirit. However, without the right guidance and strategies, it can be challenging to identify and address the root causes of your emotional and physical discomfort. The "Awaken Your Inner Healer" course offers a structured approach to self-healing, empowering you to release emotional blockages, balance your chakras, and achieve holistic well-being.

Do I Have a Track Record of Success?

With over 17 years of experience as a licensed massage therapist, 5 years as a certified Emotion Code practitioner, energy healer, and Reiki master, I have guided countless individuals on their healing journeys. Through personalized sessions and guided meditations, I have helped clients release emotional blockages and achieve greater well-being. The positive feedback and transformative results my clients experience speak to the effectiveness of my approach. Everyone willing to learn and evolve finds the support they need through my courses.

Why Are My Prices So Affordable?

I believe that everyone should have access to powerful self-healing tools and techniques, regardless of their financial situation. Having experienced the profound benefits of energy healing myself, I understand its value and strive to make my course accessible to as many people as possible. My prices are competitively set to ensure that everyone can embark on their healing journey without financial stress.










I've Helped Thousands On Their Healing Journey!


Go at your own pace. Move as quickly or as slowly as you need. Some aspects of this journey can be challenging, so taking your time is ok!


The "Awaken Your Inner Healer" course includes an interactive workbook designed to guide you through your healing journey. This workbook features guided journaling prompts, reflection questions, and progress trackers to help you stay engaged and track your transformation. It’s a valuable tool to deepen your self-awareness and support your ongoing practice.


The exercises throughout the course are tailored for everyone. whether you are a beginner or a professional healer yourself,
the "Awaken Your Inner Healer" course helps you balance your chakras, release emotional blockages, and enhance overall well-being. These practices provide relaxation, grounding, emotional release, and spiritual connection, offering a holistic approach to self-healing.



Many my clients have experienced a profound shift in as little as 30 days!

Try My Guided Meditations Made For Everyone!

Diverse Meditation Styles: Explore a variety of meditation techniques, from mindfulness to visualization, catering to your personal preference and mood.

Accessible Anytime, Anywhere: Our meditations are available online, allowing you to find tranquility wherever you are, whenever you need it.

Tailored for All Levels: Whether you are a beginner or an experienced meditator, our content is designed to accommodate your level and it's not only for professionals, but for everyone!


Kim R.

”I have been going to Lynsey for several years now and it never ceases to amaze me the work she does. Energy work and emotion code has helped my mental health in more ways than I can count. It has made a tremendous difference with my personal and professional boundaries. It has been amazing!”

Debbie D.

 "I am so grateful and honored to have Lynsey be an integral part of my healing journey. I first met Lynsey approximately 11 years ago. I am at least 30 years older than her. I remember thinking that she is wise beyond her years, caring, hungry for knowledge and so determined to become the amazing healer that she is today. I had not seen Lynsey for several years because I moved to another town. Unfortunately, my move resulted in me experiencing extreme family, financial, mental trauma along with physical problems from carbon monoxide poisoning. I came home a different person suffering from severe PTSD, severe depression, fainting episodes, cognitive problems, and severe physical pain. I had been referred to 8-10 doctors, (cardiologist, neurologist, primary doctor, endocrinologist, etc.) I did not improve. I finally decided to start seeing Lynsey again. Just as I suspected, she had progressed into the amazing, professional, natural healer that she is today. She had helped me so much and continues to help me through energy healing, Emotion Code, human kindness and caring. Lynsey has helped me learn how to recognize, grieve, and release the emotions associated with trauma. After seeing her, I feel lighter, aware, and hopeful. I am so thankful that she has helped me so much."

Karrie R.

"Lynsey is a healer! With respect to her professionalism, compassion and integrity she takes into account the whole individual ( Body, Mind and Soul). Working with Lynsey, you can expect to co-create with her as a healer. She goes above and beyond with additional homework and techniques to apply for energy work healing. Lynsey’s gifted intuition in emotional release/coding is exceptional with multiple modalities; Angelic healing, Quantum touch, Chakra & energy healing, and so much more!I can sum up in one quote the healing path Lynsey has taken me on. “To know thyself is the beginning of wisdom.“, Socrates. I am grateful for the journey and healing Lynsey has guided me on and continues to do so. To think, live, and feel outside of my old paradigm box is freeing beyond words!"

Kimberly B.

I had over 25 food intolerances, some of which, I have had my entire life. Foods like Garlic, tomatoes, melons, several fruits and Xanthum Gum, to name a few. The symptoms ranged from vomiting, diarrhea, tongue swelling, body inflammation, etc. I seeked help from more than one allergist, several doctors and an acupuncturist, in search of relief. I first saw Lynsey as a guest on a YouTube program and immediately made an appointment after hearing of her work using The Emotion Code. After about a half dozen hour long Zoom sessions, she successfully cleared all of my food intolerances by releasing the trapped emotions which had caused the problem. Lynsey is very sweet and compassionate, which made each session really enjoyable! I am so thrilled to finally be able to eat whatever I want, wherever I want. This changed my life, as well as the lives of everyone who put up with the difficulties surrounding food intolerances! If you are looking for the best, I highly recommend you make an appointment with Lynsey.

Jess D.

I am so thankful for Lynsey and her work. I’ve been seeing her several years, and each time I am amazed with our sessions. I’ve done emotion code and energy work. Each session has been life changing for me in my mental and physical life. I’ve recently been diagnosed with a chronic illness and she has been a such a wonderful support. I believe that Lynsey is meant for this work and I continue to be impressed each and every time with her work.

Vicky A.

Hey Lynsey, Thanks for helping me with my inner self confidence and self esteem getting rid of my past feelings of those before me holding me down the freedom that I have now is hard to explain I now have a relationship with my mom we have not had one In long time .also help heal from suicide close to me for almost a year I been seeing Lynsey my mental state is so much better she is also helping me physically w stubborn bunion on toe release stiffness and soreness I love U Lynsey U have given me knowledge the power to help my self.


Lynsey is absolutely amazing! She helped me through the most difficult time in my life. I recommend her to anyone going through a difficult time or dealing with trauma. She is a wonderful human!

Macayla K.

Lynsey took her time and really understood where I was stuck and how to help me through my issues. She is highly knowledgeable and very friendly. I definitely recommend seeing her and in between sessions, listening to her meditations on YouTube!

Jenna K.

Working with Lynsey has been very healing and inspirational.

You Are The Medicine

Awaken Your Inner Healer Today and Transform Your Life!

Email: mindshiftmastermindprogram@gmail.com

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